Skinny Fries 600

Fries Skinny Fries 600 g

Extremely thin and crispy fries

If you appreciate crispy thin fries most of all, Skinny Fries is the perfect product for you. Thanks to the thin cut of the potatoes and the technology used for pre-frying, Skinny Fries is an extra crunchy snack and the classic taste of a delicious potato. Perfect both as an independent snack with the addition of salt, ketchup or dips, as well as an addition to dinner or a burger. 

Tarkibi va oziq-ovqat qiymatlari

Tarkibi: potatoes, sunflower oil, modified potato starch, rice flour, salt, dextrin, raising agents (E450, E500), maltodextrin, thickener (E415), turmeric, paprika extract

100 g uchun ozuqaviy qiymatlar:

Allergenlar -
Oqsillar 2 g
Kaloriyalar 192 kcal
kJ soni 803 kJ
Yog ' miqdori 8 g
Uglevodlar 27 g

Tayyorlash usuli



3-5 min



15-20 min

Havo qovurgichi

Havo qovurgichi

8 min

Mahsulot haqida ma'lumot

Qoplama EAN-kodi 8710449934591
Quti EAN-kodi 8710449934584
Mahsulot kodi 806160
Yaroqlilik muddati 24 months
Har bir dona og‘irligi -

Logistika ma'lumotlari

Yuk tashish uchun qutilar soni 99
Har bir qatlam uchun qutilar soni 9
Qatlamlar soni 11
Palet balandligi 180 sm
Har bir quti hajmi 6
Qadoq og'irligi 600 g
Aviko Sp. z o.o.