Fries Original 750 g
Crispy classic fries
Aviko's classic, well known to all small and big fries gourmets. Aviko fries are prepared only from selected potatoes from reliable suppliers and the best crops. So when you reach for our Original fries, you get the unique taste and crunchiness that you like so much. Most often prepared as a snack with the addition of salt, ketchup or sauces, but also very tasty as a substitute for potatoes or groats in dinner dishes.
Tarkibi va oziq-ovqat qiymatlari
Tarkibi: potatoes, sunflower oil
100 g uchun ozuqaviy qiymatlar:
Allergenlar | - |
Oqsillar | 2,5 g |
Kaloriyalar | 145 kcal |
kJ soni | 610 kJ |
Yog ' miqdori | 4 g |
Uglevodlar | 23,5 g |
Tayyorlash usuli

2-3 min

15-20 min
Mahsulot haqida ma'lumot
Qoplama EAN-kodi | 8710449944798 |
Quti EAN-kodi | 8710449944781 |
Mahsulot kodi | 807229 |
Yaroqlilik muddati | 24 months |
Har bir dona og‘irligi | - |
Logistika ma'lumotlari
Yuk tashish uchun qutilar soni | 63 |
Har bir qatlam uchun qutilar soni | 9 |
Qatlamlar soni | 7 |
Palet balandligi | 183 sm |
Har bir quti hajmi | 12 |
Qadoq og'irligi | 750 g |
Ushbu mahsulot bilan
bog'liq tavsilotlarni ko'ring
bog'liq tavsilotlarni ko'ring