AVIKO Sweet potato fries with pickled beetroot salad with arugula, sun-dried tomatoes and goat cheese

AVIKO Sweet potato fries
1-2 large sour or pickled beets
100-150 g of goat cheese
a handful of pine nuts or crushed hazelnuts
a few dried tomatoes in brine
arugula leaves
salt, pepper
olive oil (can be flavored, e.g. chilli)
balsamic sauce
Preapare AVIKO Sweet potato fries according to the instructions on the packaging.
Roast nuts in a pan till getting nice roasting smell and the nuts will have golden edges.
Grate the beets into thin slices and place them on a plate.
Drain the tomatoes from the brine and cut into narrow strips.
Grate the cheese either with knife into thin flakes.
In large bowl mix arugula with dried tomatoes, cheese and nuts and place on a plate next to the beets.
Drizzle beets with balsamic sauce and season to taste with salt and pepper.
Serve with a portion of sweet salted fries.